Journal Details
- Journal Title: Soft Computing Fusion with Applications
- Aims and Scope: SCFA aims to be a leading platform for high-quality research in soft computing, computational intelligence, and decision sciences, bridging theoretical frameworks with real-world applications.
- Abbreviated Title: Soft. Comput. Fusion. Appl.
- Language: English
- Publication Frequency: Two issues are published online, and accepted papers with complete bibliographic data are added continuously over the quarter.
- Open Access: This journal is open access, meaning all content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full-text articles without prior permission.
- Publication fee: Free of charge.
- Plagiarism Check: All submissions undergo a stringent plagiarism check using reputable software.
- Review Policy: Manuscripts are subject to blind peer review by domain experts.
- Copyright and Licensing: Articles are published under a Creative Commons license, allowing open dissemination with proper attribution.
- Online ISSN: 3042-0180
- Editorial Board: Composed of international experts in various sub-fields relevant to the journal.
- Submission Guidelines: Authors can find comprehensive submission instructions on the journal's website.
- Ethical Standards: SCFA adheres to the highest ethical standards in publishing, as established by authoritative bodies in scientific publishing.
Key Features of Soft Computing Fusion with Applications:
Interdisciplinary Excellence: SCFA serves as a conduit between diverse disciplines, enabling research that integrates soft computing with other scientific and industrial fields.
Rigorous Review: Every paper is subject to meticulous peer review by field experts, assuring quality, accuracy, and relevance.
Broad Scope: SCFA covers a wide array of topics including evolutionary algorithms, machine learning, and applications in engineering design, big data, and intelligent systems.
Ethical Commitment: The journal adheres strictly to established principles of scientific integrity and publishing ethics.
Global Community: Beyond being a journal, SCFA aims to foster a dynamic community of academics, practitioners, and thought leaders in relevant fields.
Author Engagement: The journal offers robust support to authors throughout the publication process to ensure clarity, accuracy, and effective dissemination.
Soft Computing Fusion with Applications invites contributions from a broad spectrum of researchers and experts who are pioneering innovative approaches in soft computing, computational intelligence, and decision sciences.