Soft Intersection Almost Bi-quasi Ideals of Semigroups


  • Aslıhan Sezgin * Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education, Amasya University, Amasya, Türkiye.
  • Aleyna İlgin Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Amasya University, Amasya, Türkiye.



soft set, semigroup, (almost) bi-quasi ideals, soft intersection (almost) bi-quasi ideals


The concept of bi-quasi ideal generalizes the notions of bi-ideals and quasi-ideals in a semigroup; similarly, the soft intersection bi-quasi ideal generalizes the concepts of soft intersection bi-ideals and soft intersection quasi-ideals in a semigroup. In this paper, we introduce the concept of  soft intersection almost bi-quasi ideal and its generalized concept, soft intersection weakly almost bi-quasi ideals, in a semigroup. In contrast to the soft intersection ideal theory, we demonstrate that every soft intersection almost bi-quasi ideal is also a soft intersection almost ideal and a soft intersection almost bi-ideal. Additionally, we show that every idempotent soft intersection almost bi-quasi ideal is a soft intersection almost subsemigroup, a soft intersection almost weak interior ideal, a soft intersection almost tri-ideal, and a soft intersection almost tri-bi-ideal. Furthermore, we derive several interesting relationships regarding minimality, primeness, semiprimeness, and strongly primeness between almost bi-quasi ideals and soft intersection almost bi-quasi ideals with the proven theorem stating that if a nonempty set  is an almost bi-quasi ideal, then its soft characteristic function is also a soft intersection almost bi-quasi ideal, and vice versa.


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How to Cite

Soft Intersection Almost Bi-quasi Ideals of Semigroups. (2024). Soft Computing Fusion With Applications , 1(1), 27-42.

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