Enhancing Medical Diagnosis with Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets and Tan-log Distance


  • Narmadhagnanam radha P.G. & Research Department of Mathematics, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India‎.
  • A Edward Samuel P.G. & Research Department of Mathematics, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India‎.




Most diseases share a mix of common and unique traits,with distinct symptoms appearing at the onset.This  paper proposes a method to establlish a relationships between illness  classes and individuals with specific pathologies,aiding physicians in plausible diagnoses.We  introsuce the tan-log distance among single valued neutrosophic sets and discuss its characteristics.This approach addresses uncertainties and shoetcomings in current methods.The application of this method to medical diagnosis demonstrates its effectiveness in identifying illnesses.The  previously mentioned approach's concept serves as a vital safeguard against uncertainties and shortcomings in the existing methods.To determine the sickness that a person is suffering,the application of medical diagnosis is discussed.The result of the diagnosis showed how effective  the recommended course  of  action was.


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How to Cite

Enhancing Medical Diagnosis with Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets and Tan-log Distance. (2024). Soft Computing Fusion With Applications , 1(1), 49-57. https://doi.org/10.22105/bep1t867